Our Story

Back in 2015, I hit an emotional rock bottom. Despite having a loving wife, a new baby, and strong faith, I struggled to see my worth. I was severely depressed, always anxious, and frankly didn’t want to keep living. One dark night, my depression nearly got the best of me, but thankfully, I made the hard decision to keep moving forward. It took a lot of grit — and a lot of grace.

Fast forward to 2023, and I’m grateful it’s been years since I’ve struggled that deeply. It’s made me want to do nothing more than to help ease the pain others are going through. And I’ve spent years thinking about what that looks like at scale. But when I look back at what helped carry me through my darkest moments, it wasn’t a book, a prescription, or a motivational speech.  I give credit to God, my family, mentors & community, and health. But more often than not, it was the right song at the right time. When I was at a loss for words & feeling numb inside… when it seemed like nobody understood me… music was able to reach me in a way that words couldn’t.

The words & lyrics of another human pouring out their soul in hopes that it resonates with someone else brought me the perspective & the peace I needed to press on. So one summer vacation day, I was sitting on the couch at my family’s lake cabin, deep in the woods of Michigan, talking with my wife about this realization & how I’ve been suppressing my deep-rooted abilites & potential as a musician. That’s when I saw the light bulb go off in my wife’s eyes as she explained the idea.

The conversation that ensued would become the first baby step of a massive dream called Songworthy. We’re here to make an impact & we’re only getting started — with hopes & plans to offer a variety of musicians, genres, and options for your perfect song.

So, maybe you ended up here because there is someone you care about so deeply, but struggle to tell them how you really feel, and what you see in them. And that’s okay. That’s why we started Songworthy — to help others give hope to the hurting. And we’d be honored to come alongside you on your journey….


-Brady Winder, Co-Founder of Songworthy

Our Mission

Bring hope to the hurting.

Company Founders

Brady Winder - Songworthy Musician

Brady Winder, Co-Founder & Musician

Brady is the visionary ideas guy & the first musician to pilot Songworthy.

Sloane Winder Songworthy

Sloane Winder, Co-Founder & Admin

Sloane is the 'rails' for Brady & the company, making sure things gets done.

What Others Are Saying

After the sudden and tragic death of my father, my mom was in a dark place of grief and purposelessness. I contacted Songworthy to see if a song might reach her. Oh wow, they delivered. The song was beautiful and it highlighted her value, reasons to find meaning and the beauty of what she still has. Her reaction was so moving as she heard it the song for the first time as the music allowed a message to reach into the numbness and grief. I still catch her listening to the song to this day as it continues to uplift her and carry her through. Thank you for ministering through lyrics and music to a place that nothing else could go.
Tim S Songworthy Testimonial
Tim S.
"Brady Winder is one of the few genuine and authentic people left in this world. He's a pleasure to work with and knows his way around a guitar rig, including pedals and amps. He has meticulously curated a collection of tones and ideas that he incorporates into his music."
Austin D Songworthy Testimonial
Austin D.
"I have known Brady for years and he has always been able to help me in the music aspects of recording! I don’t know much about recording/tracking, but I asked him to cut me songs for an employee talent show and they came out amazing and clean! Also, he’s a great guitar player and knows how to lead a band properly, as I know from experience being led by him in a worship band setting."
Josh E Songworthy Testimonial
Josh E.